
Android SDK


Basic integration

Migrating from older versions? Check the Migration guide

Add HyperTrack SDK to your project

We constantly work on making our SDKs better, so make sure you have the latest version. You can get it in the changelog here.

Add HyperTrack's Maven repository

Depending on the Gradle version used in the Project use one of the following snippets:

This way of managing dependencies was added in Gradle 6.8 and is required by default in Gradle 8.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

        maven {
            name 'hypertrack'
            url ''

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

        maven {
            name = 'hypertrack'
            url = ''
Without centralized repositories declaration

Add the repository to your module-level Gradle config (usually app/build.gradle) and project-level one (<project folder>/build.gradle).

repositories {
    maven {
        name 'hypertrack'
        url ''
repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'hypertrack'
        url = ''
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name 'hypertrack'
            url  ''
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = 'hypertrack'
            url = ''

Add HyperTrack SDK dependency

Add HyperTrack SDK as a dependency to the app or module

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.hypertrack:sdk-android:<version>'
dependencies {

The latest version: SDK-Android


The plugins should have the same version as the main SDK dependency

Add HyperTrack SDK Location Services plugin

HyperTrack SDK gives a possibility to choose from a variety of Location Services implementations.


At least one plugin of Location Services type is required for the SDK to work.

For devices with Google Play Services
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.hypertrack:location-services-google:<version>'
dependencies {
For devices with Google Play Services which require older Location Services

If the target application / module uses older Google Location Services dependencies and a conflict in class definitions results in build or runtime failures (e.g. for pre 21.0.0 versions as states in official Release Notes by Google):


One of the Exceptions that happens with incompatible versions of Google Location Services is:

AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface, but class was expected

There is a special version to overcome the build issue:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.hypertrack:location-services-google-19-0-1:<version>'
dependencies {

Add HyperTrack SDK Push Services plugin


At least one plugin of Push Services type is required for the SDK to work.

For projects with Firebase Cloud Messaging
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.hypertrack:push-service-firebase:<version>'
dependencies {

You can check the full list of plugins here


After adding dependencies make sure you run Sync Project with Gradle Files!

Configure Proguard

Make sure you are using the latest SDK version.

If you use Proguard (have minifyEnabled true in your app build.gradle) add these lines to your

# config for kotlin-coroutines
-keepnames class kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory {}
-keepnames class kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler {}
-keepclassmembernames class kotlinx.** {
    volatile <fields>;
-keep class {*;}

Set up silent push notifications

HyperTrack SDK requires Firebase Cloud Messaging to:

  • Manage on-device tracking
  • Enable HyperTrack cloud APIs usage to control the tracking from your server
  • Waking up the app if it was killed by the device OS

If you do not yet have push notifications enabled, please proceed to Setup Firebase Cloud Messaging.

To provide HyperTrack the access to sending push messages you need to get a JSON key for a Google Cloud Service account with Firebase access that is connected to your app. You need to upload the key to HyperTrack Dashboard Setup Page under Server to Device communication section.

If you don't know how to get the key, check the guide: Getting Google Service account key for Firebase

Set the publishable key

Get your Publishable Key from the Setup page.

Add PublishableKey to AndroidManifest.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="">
    <application android:name=".AnApplication">
            android:value="put-your-key-here" />

Grant the permissions to the app

The application has to ask for runtime permissions before the SDK will be able to track.

The permissions that are necessary are:

Start tracking

Now the app is ready to be tracked from the cloud.

You will need the device id to start tracking, check the Identify devices section for instructions on how to get it.

Follow the Start Tracking tutorial to learn how to control device tracking from your backend.


Once your app is running, go to the dashboard where you can see a list of all your devices and their live location with ongoing activity on the map.

Prepare for Google Play submission

Preparing for Google Play review

Recommended additional steps

Identify devices

All devices tracked on HyperTrack are uniquely identified using UUID. You can get this identifier programmatically in your app by calling getDeviceId().


The device ID is changed on each app re-install or clearing the app data

   val deviceId = HyperTrack.deviceID
   String deviceId = HyperTrack.getDeviceID();

Another approach to identification is to tag devices with names that will make it easy to distinguish them on HyperTrack Dashboard. = "Device name"
   HyperTrack.setName("Device name");

You can additionaly tag devices with custom metadata (and filter them in the Dashboard using metadata fields).

Metadata should be representable with a map of JSON data types.

You need to build a special Json.Object data type to send the data to the SDK. This type ensures that the format is JSON-compatible. There are 2 helper methods to build this object from Map or JSON string, but you can build it manually too using the constructor methods.



val metadataJson: Json? = Json.fromString("{ \"key\":\"value\" }")

if(metadataJson != null) {
    HyperTrack.metadata = metadataJson
} else {
    // You will get the null value if provided String is not a valid JSON

val metadataJson: Json? = Json.fromMap(mapOf("key" to "value"))

if(metadataJson != null) {
    HyperTrack.metadata = metadataJson
} else {
    // You will get the null value if provided Map is not a valid JSON Map



Json.Object metadataJson = Json.Companion.fromString("{ \"key\":\"value\" }")

if(metadataJson != null) {
} else {
    // You will get the null value if provided String is not a valid JSON

Map myMetadata = new HashMap<String, Object>()
myMetadata.put("key", "value")

Json.Object metadataJson = Json.Companion.fromMap(myMetadata)

if(metadataJson != null) {
} else {
    // You will get the null value if provided Map is not a valid JSON Map

Handle errors

Use the errors query or subscribeToErrors subscription to make sure that when the driver navigates to the screen where tracking is supposed to happen, there are no blockers that can interrupt it.

You can use subscription API to be able to react immediately when errors come up:

// You can use this value to cancel the subscription.
val errorsCancellable: HyperTrack.Cancellable? = null

errorsCancellable = HyperTrack.subscribeToErrors { errors ->
  errors.forEach {
    when(it) {
      is Permissions -> ...

Or by querying the API only when needed:

HyperTrack.errors.forEach {
  when(it) {
    is Permissions -> ...

Check the API docs to get the full list of errors.

Migration guide

Version < 7.0.0

The release of HyperTrack Android SDK 7.0.0 is a major update that has a bunch of new improvements. We highly recommend upgrading, but please note that there are a few breaking changes.

The key advantages of the new version are:

User-friendly API:
The revamped static API is the highlight, standing out for its unmatched simplicity, ease of use, and conciseness.

Enhanced Responsiveness & Speed:
Experience quicker time to the first location and minimized system latency.

Superior Tracking Performance:
Delight in the improved quality, granularity, and accuracy of the location event stream.

Optimized Battery Efficiency:
Our refined tracking algorithm reduces unnecessary network calls, preserving battery life.

Decreased Binary Size:
The library's size optimization ensures a more compact overall app footprint.

You can check the detailed Changelog here

The key breaking changes are:

Setting the publishable key

There is no need to initialize the SDK by setting publishable key. The Basic integration instructions decribe the new way of setting it.

Static API

The SDK API was fully redesigned to be more ergonomic and to require less code to use.

All the API methods can be accessible at any time from any place in the app by calling them on the static HyperTrack class.

Check the Changelog for the renamed methods.

New Maven artifact ID

The old dependency in build.gradle should be removed:

implementation "com.hypertrack:hypertrack:${version}"

Follow the Add HyperTrack SDK to your project tutorial to configure the new SDK.

ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION permission is no longer required

While the SDK still can benefit from Motion activity data to get better accuracy, requesting this permission is now optional.

Make sure you implement requests for all permissions: Grant the permissions to the app

SDK Sync

The SDK is now automatically syncs with the servers, so the syncDeviceSettings() method is not needed. You can safely remove it and all the logic related to it.

New Json.Object param type for addGeotag and metadata

In the new version you need to build a special Json.Object object to send the data to the SDK.

Check the Identify devices metadata section for details on how to use it.

New nested HyperTrack.Error

In older versions there were 2 ways to get the SDK errors:

  1. With addTrackingListener()/addAvailabilityListener() onError callback
  2. With Blockers API HyperTrack.getBlockers()

In the new version both of the APIs above are removed and replaced with Errors API (HyperTrack.errors/HyperTrack.subscrbeToErrors())

Check the Handle errors section for the details on how to use that API.

Here is the table of correspondence between the TrackingError/Blocker and according HyperTrack.Error types:

Old ErrorHyperTrack.Error
TrackingError.UNKNOWN_ERROR-- removed --
TrackingError.AUTHORIZATION_ERROR-- removed --
TrackingError.UNKNOWN_NETWORK_ERROR-- removed --
TrackingError.DATA_STORE_ERROR-- removed --
OutageReason.RESTART_REQUIRED-- removed --

Version < 6.3.0

From the version 6.3.0 The device ID doesn't persist between installs similar to iOS SDK


For a full SDK API reference see HyperTrack Android SDK

SDK integration examples

To learn more about SDK integration examples, you may visit these resources:


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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have persistent notification in my app?

HyperTrack SDK by default runs as a foreground service. This is needed to ensure that the location tracking works reliably even when your app is in background.

A foreground service is a service that the user is actively aware of and isn't a candidate for the system to kill when it is low on memory.

Android require foreground service to have a persistent notification in the status bar.

Can I customize the foreground service notification?

Yes, check the HyperTrackForegroundNotificationTitle and HyperTrackForegroundNotificationText parameters in SDK configuration doc.

What API levels (Android versions) are supported?

Check Requirements section.

Why do I have dependencies conflicts?

Dependency conflicts may arise when the HyperTrack SDK is used together with different libraries. In most cases Gradle automatically resolves all the issues. In some situations, a configuration modification has to be applied to your project.

Detailed information

More information with detailed explanations and instructions can be found here: Gradle documentation

Cheat sheet

  • In case of unresolvable dependency conflicts, please use ./gradlew :your_project_name:dependencies command to see the dependency graph.

  • Usually there are bumped versions in dependency graph (marked like com.some.dependency:2.0.0 -> com.some.dependency:2.5.0) - Gradle automatically selects the newest version of the transitive dependencies required by other dependencies.

  • If conflicts are visible and cause compilation errors, you can manually exclude the transitive dependencies or downgrade them using: this documentation

  • Common problem here may be depending on different versions of library components. You need to migrate to Android X to resolve the issue.

How do I handle system battery saver killing my app?

Smartphones are getting more and more powerful, but the battery capacity is lagging behind. Device manufacturers are always trying to squeeze some battery saving features into the firmware with each new Android release.

Manufactures like Xiaomi, Huawei and OnePlus have their own battery savers that kills the services running in the background.

To avoid OS killing the service, users of your app need to override the automatic battery management and set it manual.

Unfortunately whitelisting can't be performed programmatically. So you need to always rely on user performing particular action.
In that case the only way to achieve service reliability is manual setup.

Check for the instructions on how to whitelist the app.

Why does HyperTrack notification show even after my app is terminated?

The HyperTrack service runs as a separate component and it is still running when the app that started it is terminated. That is why you can observe that notification. When you tracking is stopped, the notification goes away.

How does tracking work in Doze mode?

Doze mode requires device to be stationary, so before OS starts imposing power management restrictions, exact device location is obtained. When device starts moving, Android leaves Doze mode and works regularly, so no special handling of Doze mode required with respect to location tracking.

Why doesn't setting device metadata and name work in SDK?

Devices API take precedence over SDK methods in setting device name and metadata. If you used it, theSDK methods will not modify device metadata and name.

What runtime permissions are required for the SDK to work?

Chech the Grant permissions section

Why in the dashboard I can see SDK killed by ... outage reason?

SDK killed also can be a result of some kind of battery saving settings. Check How do I handle system battery saver killing my app?

You may benefit from checking this also.

Can I test functionality without actual movement?

There are two ways to test the tracking:

  1. Use the emulator. Check the official manual on how to use it.

  2. Use Mock Location apps on a real device. It requires phone settings adjustment that usually explained by those apps. If using such apps, you will get Location Mocked outage in the dashboard and corresponding Error in HyperTrack.errors


Make sure the mock data, you feeding to the SDK, looks real. Instant teleport from Delhi to New York doesn't make sense, so those values will be ignored by processing logic on the HyperTrack platform. Make sure you set desired start location before turning the traking on.

How to fix Google Api Error: Invalid request - You must let us know whether your app uses any Foreground Service permissions. when uploading the app to Google Play with API?

This error can appear if you have targetSDK 34+. HyperTrack SDK have to use Foreground service, and starting Android 14 it requires declaring the Foreground service permission. If your app has this permission, you can't upload the update with API and need to do a manual release to fill in the Foreground service permissions form. Check our Guide if you have any issues with submitting the form.