Worker Map

We provide the ability to customize, show and hide elements in our embeddable Worker Map view. Each of the options can be provided as URL parameters to configure your custom embed experience.

map-onlytrue/falseDisplays the map only view with all drivers loaded.
hide-headertrue/falseHides the page header
hide-controlstrue/falseHides the entire controls section. For more fine-grained control, see the options below:
hide-searchtrue/falseHides the search bar
hide-filterstrue/falseHides the worker filters (ie, date selector, ops group filter & metadata filter)
hide-view-switchertrue/falseHides the button to switch between the map/list views
hide-driver-exporttrue/falseHides the driver export/download button
hide-driver-createtrue/falseHides the driver create/upload button
driver-list-stateBase64 encoded stringBase64 encoding of a JSON object with fields described below
driver-list-state.ops_groupsArray of stringsList of ops groups to display drivers for
driver-list-state.driver_handlesArray of stringsList of driver handles to display
driver-list-state.trackingtrue/falseIf set to true, only displays drivers that are currently tracking
driver-list-state.profilestringJSON / JSON PATH expression for profile (metadata) values to filter drivers by.
JSON PATH can be used for applying an "OR" clause to metadata filters. For example, passing:"$ ? (@.c1 == \"New York\" | @.c2 == \"San Francisco\" \\ | @.c3 == \"London\")" as the value of profile will filter all drivers that have one of the 3 conditions applicable.

Example Usage for driver-list-state

let obj = {"ops_groups": ["test-ops-group", "b33ed748-e17f-4d93-905d-7238837736c6"], "tracking": "true"}
let urlEncodedStateString = encodeURIComponent(btoa(JSON.stringify(obj))) // B64 encoding followed by URI encoding



The above value can then be passed as the value of the driver-list-statequery param.