Jim Schimpf

Top 50 leaders shaping the gig economy
Jim Schimpf
Co-Founder & CEO

Chattr’s AI-powered digital assistant manages the hourly hiring experience from engagement to offer.

The Origin Story

Jim Schimpf is a recruiting industry veteran who became fascinated with how AI could transform the staffing sector. He only realized how he would participate in marrying AI with staffing when the light bulb went on while he was recruiting salespeople for a marketing company. The process was labor intensive, laden with back-and-forth emails, texts, and phone calls before the actual vetting process even began. It was then he realized that the most time-consuming tasks, front-end communications, could be streamlined with an AI tool.  

“So I thought to myself, 'how do we, how do we take this super powerful technology that was 10 years ahead of its time and integrate it into hiring tools that are super simple to use, but help foster the meaningful connection?' So, how do we remove the minutia? How do we remove the low-value tasks?”

 Jim identified specific tasks that could be handled by AI: sourcing, pre-screening, answering FAQ’s and scheduling interviews. This would allow recruiting teams and hiring managers to spend more time getting to know candidates and other high-value tasks. 

In 2018 Chattr was born to manage these time-consuming tasks to streamline the hiring process for hourly workers. Initially branded as Hire Humanly, the company targeted companies that hired hourly workers. Since the hourly workforce is 54% of the US workforce, there is a need to simplify the number of interactions required to hire workers at scale. 

Fast forward six years and Chattr now has numerous top brands as clients and can boast of results like reducing hiring time by 88% and decreasing no-shows by 21% for a growing list of customers across retail, fast food, and hospitality industries.

What Makes Chattr Unique

Chattr is the industry’s first AI technology that automates applicant tracking through proactive notifications, applicant re-engagement, hiring recommendations, scheduling updates, and more, animating the ATS to reduce the administrative burden for hiring managers and recruiters. The following features make Chattr unique and lead to improved hiring results for their customers. 


With a click of a button, Chattrbot will re-engage a list of past applicants through a series of highly converting automated text and email messages.

Reduce No-shows

Chattr’s text notifications keep applicants engaged, informed, and eager for their interviews and the first day of work.

Onboard with Ease

From background checks to assessments to new hire paperwork, Chattr’s one-click onboarding and automated follow-up motivate applicants throughout the hiring process to help them prepare and get ready for work.

The Solution 

Chattr is the first ever automated end-to-end hiring software for the hourly workforce powered by an AI digital assistant. Chattr focuses on the entire hiring cycle - from sourcing to onboarding and everything in between. This includes automation of screening questions, answering basic questions about the role or company, and scheduling interviews. 

Get More Applicants

Chattr customers can post jobs on job boards and use AI to boost hard-to-fill vacancies on sponsored job platforms. The application process is streamlined through a conversational AI initiated via in-store QR codes or by text. These conversations keep candidates engaged, which results in more applicants and fewer applicants lost to the competition.

Hiring Assistant

Chattr’s AI  assistant functions as an on-demand recruiting team managing the hiring process. It introduces candidates to the company, assists with screening, and scheduling and helps new hires through the first day. Managers are then not bogged down by these aspects of the hiring process and can simply focus on interviewing and making hiring decisions.

Accelerate Hiring 

These automations allow companies to hire faster as Chattr’s helpful AI assistant manages the applicant pipeline. By automating follow-up communication, scheduling, and other tedious tasks behind the scenes, teams can hire faster as individual recruiters or managers do not need to prioritize repetitive activities.

How Chattr Contributes to the Future of Staffing

Personalization in the hiring process is critical in achieving successful recruitment outcomes. It enhances candidate engagement, improves fit and retention, and strengthens the company’s brand as an employer. Personalization will be even more important as the job market continues to evolve.

“We bring them through that process once they schedule the interview, if it's the next day, if it's two days, if it's three days, we've got personalized automated follow-up via text message from the manager to keep that applicant engaged.”

Organizations that implement personalization in the hiring process will be better positioned to attract and retain the talent needed to reach their staffing goals.

“Well, we are really excited about the, what I would call, the hiring manager experience. And as I mean, the applicant experience, I look at it like we have a hiring manager focus and what we call the consumerization of HR.”

“And then super excited about how we leverage, you know, more enriched automated experiences with AI to enrich the experience of hiring managers and applicants.”

As Jim Schimpf mentions above, Chattr’s focus will move the company forward to shape the future of the job market. Paying close attention to the experience of both hiring teams and applicants allows Chattr to build solutions to help companies personalize their recruiting process and automate administrative aspects of hiring.

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